Captain:Tiffany Folwer
Brittany Maslowsky
Phoebe Dunderdale
Kevin Binswanger
Miles Carey
Alexander Houck
AMERICAN GLADIATORS (the '07 version)
Shameless leader: Ricky "is he really still here?" Schumaker
Tennis-Ball Dodgeball Champ: Alex "I hit girls" Schad
Eating-Contest Champ: Eddie "no Peeps is safe" Layton
In-house engineer: Russell "don't worry, I'll get the life-sized mouse
trap" Paris
Professional Camera woman: Megan "I can't believe I married this guy"
The Noobie: Carla "she has no idea what she's gettin herself into"
Joshua Richards
Teresa McCoy
Alley Leach
Rodney Jones
XL Classicer Fit
Tom "Destructo" Elliott
Matt "Lionheart" Gibson
Traise "Ginger" Rawlings
Alex Patton
Ben "Ben Ross" Ross
maureen maughan
Nanuk of the Anus
Caleb Magyar
Danny Reed
Allie Delano
Amanda Dysart
Armanda Roco
Team Sandy Vaginas
Nora White
Katie Sullivan
Sarah Sievert
Martin del Vecchio
Diana Hofler
Amber Westphal
Team NoobLawz's
barrett hunter
yukari suzuki
ryan llewellyn
amy heilman
alyssa lott
rawson baylor