in the tradition of athena, the following have burst fully formed from the forehead of jonathan soma:

Masters of Social Gastronomy
Drink beer and watch Sarah Lohman and I fight about vanilla extract. A monthly bar room lecture series about the creamy filling in the middle of history, science, and food.

The Important Numbers on the PPW Bike Lane
I took a bunch of numbers from a Department of Transporation report and made them awesome and easy to read.

Brooklyn Brainery
Cheap, collaborative classes in Brooklyn on everything from your grandma's favorite crafts to snobbish intellectualism.

Big Apple Ed
Everything you ever wanted to know about NYC public schools but were afraid to go through 600MB of Dept of Education data for. Created for the NYC Big Apps contest.

tokyo tuesday
i can tell you when they're making cookies, but i don't know if they're chocolate chip. also in japanese

Icelandic Exports
Once upon a time a volcano in Iceland donated a lot of ash to mainland Europe. [infographic]

Cooking Class in a Box
I'll build you a cooking class on an exotic cuisine (Thai, Indian, Korean, Ethiopian, etc) and ship you the hard-to-find ingredients for it!