firefusk is a firefox extension for going through sequentially numbered image files.
where do I get it?
firefusk is now available at mozilla addons, which means you don't have to spend time hacking away at about:config anymore to get firefusk to work!
Firefusk hasn't been updated in about eighty thousand years, you should try out Pilfer
how do i use it?
right clicking on an image or image link will bring up a context menu which has a 'firefusk' option in it. it's pretty self-explanatory.
what are the options?
the 00x option is about whether you want leading zeroes or not - if you start with Picture129.jpeg and decrement 50, it needs to know whether you're looking for Picture97.jpeg or Picture097.jpeg; it's on by default.
there's also an option about whether you want firefusks to open in new windows or new tabs. tabs should be the default.
what are the links on the firefusk page?
for the sake of aesthetics, all broken links are hidden on the new page that's loaded when you firefusk an image until you click the 'toggle broken links' link. the 'image link' is there for bookmarking ease.
what are the bugs/planned improvements?
Nothing, really. Let me know if you want something.
how do i install it?
if you're using firefox, click here. otherwise, get firefox and come back later.
oh yeah and ...?
drop me questions/suggestions/feature requests at - if you put firefusk in the subject line it'll probably let me get to it more quickly, too. thanks to those of you who have sent me mail, it's great!
feel free to check out my other assorted projects at, or for some reason visit the mozdev firefox page.