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Flashmob #1

On Tuesday September 30th, at 12:20pm, the air at the University of Virginia was thick with the desire to exercise.

So strong, in fact, that suddenly, somehowly, out of a blue bluer than any fit of manic depression (the depressive part), jumping jacks combusted into existence.

They combusted at the Commerce School bus stop. Twenty of them, in fact. Twenty of them, more specifically, in about thirty people who were, seconds earlier, simply waiting for the bus.

Was this some freak accident of nature? A statistical anomaly? An exercisial divine intervention?

No, this was a flashmob!

At exactly 12:23, a large number of flashmobbers erupted into twenty jumping jacks without any warning. I'm not quite sure how many people were there, though. Estimates range from "twenty to thirty," "thirty to forty," or even "like a million." However many it was, it was an incredible sight.

There were even almost-mobbers that were late or those that didn't have faith in the power of the flashmob and just waited to see what happened without participating, thinking they were saving themselves from getting beaten up by bullies at lunchtime. I think it's clear now that we won't have any more of those. Just think of mob #2's turnout!

We even got a miniscule blurb in the Cavalier Daily.

Non-mobbers stopped and gaped, obviously overwhelmed with confusion. Even fobbers ('eh? 'eh? Cool just-invented slang?) were shocked. Here's some reactions:

"I was watching my watch, walking back and worth, thinking that this was going to be a complete failure because there were so many people coming from classes and I didn't recognize that many people who were there to be in the flashmob. At 12:23, though, it was like the whole bus stop started doing the jumping jacks! I mean, I didn't even know like half of those people!"

"Did you hear that one guy yelling something about 'you crazy actors'? Everyone across the street was standing there with their mouths open."

"As soon as i did the 20th jumpingjack I scuttled down the little hill of mulch, down towards the sidewalk by the amphitheater. As i walked, I heard a girl approaching me, who had been able to see the flashmob from a distance, say to ther friend, "What the hell just happened?!" Glee! That made my face bust out in glee!"

-Various mobbers

"What the hell was that?!"

"Uh, like a million people just started doing jumping jacks all of sudden." (to cell phone)

-Various spectators

"So, are you guys here for the flashmob?"

-Previously unknown girl, sitting on the wall, smoking a cigarette

Obviously we're doing something right.

CD scan

Before | Mobbing in progress

P.S. You have my apologies that the only 'in progress' picture sucks, and how everyone off to the left got cut off (there was a billion people over there). Next time I'm sure we'll do better.